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Chest wrinkles and cleavage wrinkles are caused by sleeping position, aging and sun damage, but never fear, Wrinkles Schminkles' Chest & Décolletage Smoothing Patches can help!

Ideally worn overnight while you sleep, our anti wrinkle Chest Pads are Made in the USA and are 100% Medical Grade Silicone. The Pads work by comfortably hugging your décolleté while preventing the skin delicate skin on your chest from being able to crease or wrinkle. At the same time, the décolleté pad supports the skin’s natural ability to hydrate the skin, while retaining moisture, increasing blood flow and helping to boost collagen production – that vital protein we lose as our skin ages.

Recommended by Dermatologists, Cosmetic Doctors & Beauty Media globally, our non-invasive anti aging Chest Patches can effectively and affordably prevent and instantly smooth wrinkles on the chest area after your first nights use and give you even better results over time. Our silicone Chest Wrinkle Pad can be used for both chest wrinkle prevention and the treatment of existing chest wrinkles, and is hypoallergenic therefore being suitable for sensitive skin.

MADE IN USA matters to us and it should matter to you too. We manufacture our 100% Medical Grade Silicone Patches in an FDA approved facility so you can have confidence in what you are applying on your skin.

Wrinkles Schminkles Chest Wrinkle Patch

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